Pickleball Skills & Development - Wheaton Sport Center

Pickleball Skills & Development

Take Your Pickleball Game to the Next Level with Lessons!

It is time to embark on the path to pickleball greatness through our Skills & Development classes and programs! Click on the clinic below to register.


Wheaton Sport Center Skills and Drills Nov

Wheaton Sport Center Pickleball 101. Learn to play for FREE!

Join us for our FREE intro to pickleball class!

Offered several times a month, members will learn the rules of the game, get familiar with Pickleball game verbiage, learn how to score and more!
Duration: 90 Minutes; Capacity: 8 Players


Wheaton Sport Center Pickleball Promos - Pickleball University crop


Each course in the Suzee Anderson Academy has been thoughtfully designed by premier Pickleball Pro, former Top 10 Player, and multi US Open and Nationals Medalist, Suzee Anderson.

As the Head Teaching Pro and Director of Club Pickleball USA Training Academy, she oversees 10 coaches in 2 facilities with a total of 27 indoor courts. Suzee’s passion for the sport and her love of seeing others improve ensures success for both her coaches and students.

PPR Certified Coach & Clinician; Former Top 10 Female Player; 3X US Open Medalist; 3X USA Pickleball Nationals Medalist

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