In-House Leagues
WSC offers in-house tennis leagues for Tennis Members age 18+. Men’s and Women’s 3.0 and 3.5 doubles leagues are offered, as well as Men’s 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0 singles. Leagues are offered in 10-week sessions. First time participants will be evaluated by one of our tennis professionals to ensure placement at the proper level.
Winter 2025 Leagues
Registration: now through Jan 9
Session Dates: January 20 – March 30
Sign up on your WSC App or on the WSC website – registration closes 1/9/25.
Private Leagues
Private leagues can be formed for a minimum of 8 players and must run on 2 courts for a minimum of 12 weeks. The private league is $60 per court per month. Times and courts are limited.
For information about our in-house leagues or on being a sub for our leagues, contact League Coordinator Susan Johnson at [email protected]