Round Robin Pickleball Play - Wheaton Sport Center

Round Robin Pickleball Play

Scroll down to reserve your spot

Sign up for weekly Round Robin Pickleball Play and join other WSC picklers in some friendly competition. Players provide their own paddles and balls.

Schedule runs through May 18th

Monday 9-10:30am; 5-6:30pm, Gym
Tuesday 7:30-9am, Gym
Wednesday 5:30-7pm, Gym
Thursday 9-10:30am; 10:30am-12pm, 5:30-7pm, Gym
Friday 10-11:30am, Gym
Saturday 7:30-9am; 9am-10:30am, Gym
Sunday 4-5:30pm, Tennis Court 14
Sunday 4-5:30pm, Gym

Space is limited – Sign up on the WSC App (in the ‘Classes’ Tab).
Beginning at 12pm one day prior to the scheduled Open Play.

*If you are on a web browser, be sure to refresh your page at
noon for the button to change from ‘not yet open’ to ‘register’